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Ellie Banner


Family Therapy, Couples, Life Transitions, Spirituality

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Ellie earned her Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary and is a Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in Arizona. Ellie believes showing up as herself authentically, creating a safe and judgement free environment contributes towards client successful growth. Meeting them where they are while collectively collaborating is her goal, assuming a role of guide and does not work harder than her clients. Her approach is gentle yet directive when necessary. Prior to joining LifeTree, Ellie worked as a residential counselor in Fullerton, California. She has experience working with individuals overcoming substance abuse, knowledge working within the Latin X population addressing multi-cultural barriers, adolescent behavioral transitions, families, and couples. During her spare time Ellie enjoys connecting with nature, hiking, mediating, and traveling.


Ellie obtuvo su Maestría en Ciencias en Terapia Matrimonial y Familiar del Seminario Teológico Fuller y es Terapeuta Matrimonial y Familiar Asociada Licenciada en Arizona. Ellie cree que mostrarse auténticamente ella misma, crear un entorno seguro y libre de juicios contribuye al crecimiento exitoso del cliente. Aceptando a el cliente donde están, colaborando en el éxito del cliente es su objetivo, asumiendo el papel de guía y no trabajar más duro que el cliente. Su enfoque es gentil pero directivo cuando sea necesario. Antes de unirse a LifeTree, Ellie trabajó como consejera residencial en Fullerton, California. Tiene experiencia trabajando con personas superando el abuso de sustancias, trabajando dentro de la comunidad latina y abordando barreras multiculturales, transiciones de comportamiento adolescente, familias y parejas. En su tiempo libre, Ellie disfruta conectarse con la naturaleza, hacer caminatas, meditar y viajar.

Specialty Areas

  • Adolescents

  • Families

  • Parenting

  • Blended Families

  • Couples

  • Weight Loss

  • Divorce

  • Life Transitions

  • Spirituality

  • Depression

  • Trauma


Miss Banner practices from various theoretical perspectives, viewing each client from a systems perspective. She utilizes CBT to challenge client thought processes, Structural Family therapy,
Strategic Family therapy and Gestalt.


Miss Banner practica desde varias perspectivas teóricas, viendo a cada cliente desde una perspectiva de sistemas. Ellie utiliza terapia de comportamiento cognitivo para desafiar el pensamiento ilógico del cliente, la terapia familiar estructural, terapia familiar estratégica y la Gestalt.

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