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LifeTree IOP (Intensive Outpatient) Groups

RECOVER – ed LIFE is an adult (ages 18 and above) eating disorder IOP. It is designed for people recently diagnosed with an eating disorder along with those individuals who have been living with an eating disorder for years. Whether you are trying to stay out of residential treatment, or you just discharged, RECOVER – ed LIFE can offer you personalized care. Program includes weekly individual therapy, weekly nutritional counseling, daily meal support and group therapy focused on ACT, DBT, ERP and various experiential therapies. Program meets three nights per week, from 5 to 8 pm with a recommended 90-day length of stay. If you are tired of the same old approach to treatment, you are invited to come and try something new.

LIFELegacy is an adolescent IOP group focusing on identity development, value-based living, emotional literacy and social intelligence, with enhanced family involvement. Each program participant will receive weekly individual therapy along with weekly family therapy. In addition, parents will be invited to a weekly, psychoeducation group to learn the same things their children are being taught in the group therapy portion of programming. Program is 3 days a week, from 4:30 to 7:30, for adolescents ages 13 to 17. LIFELegacy is a 90-day program intended to treat emotional, behavioral and relational problems experienced by young people and their families.

R.O.C. LIFE is LifeTree’s adult IOP program for Mood Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and other Anxiety Disorders. Standing for resilience, optimism and courage, R.O.C LIFE is designed for people who have lost their connection to life, who are functioning beneath their capabilities, who feel out of control or who may no longer recognize themselves. Don’t let fear dictate your life. Program will take place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm, with a recommended 90-day length of stay. Group members will receive at least 1 individual session weekly and group therapy utilizing ACT, DBT, experiential counseling and ERP. Give us a call today.

The Acceptance & Joy Recovery Community is a nonjudgmental, guilt and shame free, growth-oriented, harm-reduction approach to addiction. Although addiction is part of the issue, it is not the whole picture and it is certainly not your identity. At A & J we take a mental health approach looking at the pain underneath the behavior; whether physical, emotional or trauma based? You will be in a safe environment and never pressured to share more than what you are comfortable with. You will be encouraged to find balance, structure, and routine in your life because recovery is not about what you can’t do, it’s about what you can do. You can learn to find the joy in recovery, being grateful for the little things in life. At A & J recovery is about gain, not loss. Come join us on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 pm. Give us a call and reserve your place, space is limited.